
  1. What is your favorite part about playing D&D?
  2. What is your least favorite part about playing D&D?
  3. Are there any topics you want to specifically avoid or explore?
  4. What kind of tones or themes would you like to be present or absent in the campaign?
  5. Are there any house rules you particularly like or dislike?


  1. How often do you want to meet and for how long?
  2. List all available days and times.
  3. How do you think tardiness and absences should be handled?
  4. Do you want optional days (one-shots) or breaks built into the schedule? How?
  5. How much time are you willing and/or able to spend on the campaign between sessions? (leveling, side conversations, discussions with DM, reviewing notes, giving feedback, etc.)


  1. What kind of combat roles are you interested in? (tank, melee damage, ranged damage, control, support, healing, etc.)
  2. What kind of non-combat roles are you interested in? (socializing, scouting, surviving, thieving, utility, crafting, investigating, etc.)
  3. How much effort do you want to put into creating your backstory and involving it in the narrative? (written length, detail of NPCs and locations, adding plot hooks, etc.)
  4. Is there anything specific you do or don't want to have happen to your character? (transformations, relationships, conflicts, etc.)